Destiny 2 Server Error: How to Overcome Them

Destiny 2 Server Error

Oh, the enthralling world of Destiny 2! In this captivating multiplayer first-person shooter, imagine diving headfirst into an elaborate tapestry of mythological science fiction while brandishing your weapon. Even in this wide universe, though, shadows linger, and not simply from opposing factions. A frustrating Destiny 2 server error has recently left many guardians like you stranded outside their cherished game. It’s like prepping for a massive boss battle only to discover that the true boss is, well, getting into the game itself.

But don’t worry, fellow guardians. Every problem has a solution just waiting to be discovered. You can get around these server issues with a little patience and some tech-savvy tactics. Consider it a new in-game skill to master. Apply these methods in the same way that you would fight a raid boss tactically, and you’ll be back to defending the universe and earning your legend in no time. Let us decode these difficulties behind the Destiny 2 server error and assist you in enjoying a seamless gaming experience. Remember that every challenge, in-game or elsewhere, is just another mission to complete.

What’s Up Players Getting Kicked Out?

It has the feel of a boss-level challenge, but not the enjoyable type. Reports of players being thrown out of the Destiny 2 world have inundated Reddit, and strangely, a terrible internet connection is not to blame. What sinister forces are at work here? Let’s take this mystery apart piece by piece.

How To Fix Destiny 2 Server Error: Getting Kicked Out of the Game?

From my seat to yours, it appears that server overcrowding is the main suspicion. As the Destiny 2 universe grows in size, servers occasionally succumb to the strain. The game’s servers are undeniably strong, but they are not impregnable. But keep your head up! Here’s a complete guide, beginning with the fundamentals and progressing to the advanced, to help you stay in the game.

Primary Fixes For the Destiny 2 Server Error:

  1. Stay Updated with @BungieHelp and Recently, the Destiny 2 servers went into maintenance mode. Stay updated with the latest status on Bungie’s official channels. If all’s well but you’re still facing issues, report it on
  2. Pick a Different Server Time: Remember, overloaded servers can throw a wrench in your game. Try logging in during non-peak hours and see if that keeps you in the game.
  3. Go Wired: Bungie’s advice? Use an Ethernet connection over Wi-Fi for stability. If Ethernet’s not an option, ensure other devices aren’t hogging your bandwidth.
  4. Clear Out That Cache: Clearing your console’s or PC’s cache might be the magic wand you need. These temporary files sometimes cause glitches. Give them a sweep and see if that works.
  5. Refresh Your Router or Modem: Give your router or modem a quick break. Disconnect, wait 30 seconds, and reconnect. Simple but surprisingly effective.
Destiny 2 gaming screen

Advanced Fixes:

Enable UPnP:

Follow the steps below to enable the UPnP:

  1. Open Settings:

    Begin by opening your computer’s settings.

  2. Navigate to Network Options:

    Within settings, select the “Network & Internet” option.

  3. Access the Network and Sharing Center:

    Once you’re in the “Network & Internetsettings, find and click on the “Network and Sharing Centeroption.

  4. Go to Advanced Settings:

    Within the “Network and Sharing Center“, locate and click on “Change Advanced Settings.”

  5. Enable Network Discovery:

    In the advanced settings, find the option for “Network Discovery.” Ensure that it’s set to “turn on.”

  6. Save Your Changes:

    Once you’ve turned on Network Discovery, make sure to click on the “Save Changes” button to ensure your settings are updated.

  7. Confirm UPnP is Enabled:

    With the above steps completed, UPnP should now be enabled on your system.

  8. Check for Error Resolution:

    Play the game to see if the previous error has been resolved. If not, you might need to consider other troubleshooting steps or consult the game’s support resources.

Say No to DHCP

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) might pose issues when connecting through Wi-Fi. A significant number of players have managed to address the server problem by turning off DHCP. To do this, please proceed with the steps below:

  1. Access Network Settings:
    • Go to your computer’s settings.
    • Select “Network & Internet” to open the network settings.
  2. Open Network and Sharing Center:
    • From “Network & Internet” settings, find and click on the “Network and Sharing Center” option.
  3. Navigate to Adapter Settings:
    • In the “Network and Sharing Center“, locate the “Change Adapter Settings” option on the left panel and click on it.
  4. Access Connection Properties:
    • Find the connection you are using (typically, it will be a Wi-Fi connection or an Ethernet connection).
    • Right-click on your connection and select “Properties” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Modify IP Configuration:
    • In the properties window, scroll down and find “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)“. Click on it to highlight it, and then click the “Properties” button.
  6. Input Manual IP and DNS Addresses:
    • In the new window, select the radio button for “Use the following IP Address“.
    • Enter your computer’s specific IP address in the provided fields.
    • Below that, choose the option “Use the following DNS server addresses” and input the preferred and alternate DNS addresses (you may want to use a public DNS like Google’s and, or consult your network administrator for specific addresses).
  7. Save the Changes:
    • After entering the necessary information, click on the “OK” button to apply and save changes.
  8. Check Your Game:
    • Launch Destiny 2 to see if the server issue has been resolved.

Switch up Your DNS Server on the Console:

Google’s DNS servers ( and might be the stable connection you need. Give them a whirl if you’re still facing issues.

Destiny 2 Server Error

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Final Remarks

Remember, Guardians, that in the great realm of gaming, stumbling blocks like server difficulties are simply little blips on your legendary quest. Every failure is an opportunity to arm oneself with knowledge and strategy. Stay informed, modify your gaming settings, and always have a backup plan. Participate in forums, join gamer communities, and share your solutions.

Furthermore, while it may be tempting to spend hours immersed in a game, it is critical to balance your playtime. Make sure to take a break from your gaming equipment, whether it’s your console, PC, or even your internet network. By incorporating these tiny but significant habits, you not only ensure a smoother gameplay experience but also lengthen the lifespan of your equipment. Play wisely, and may your experiences be fruitful!

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