How to get verified on Instagram

Instagram verification is a necessary step to improve your credibility and visibility on the platform, especially if you’re a public figure, celebrity, or business trying to build yourself or your brand on Instagram. However, the process of getting verified is not as easy as applying. In this guide on “How to get verified on Instagram,” We’ll provide you with a comprehensive overview of the necessary steps you need to follow to increase your chances of being approved for verification.

We’ll go over everything you need to know to get verified on Instagram, from understanding the requirements set by Instagram to writing a good verification request. So, if you’re ready to take your Instagram presence to the next level, let’s explore the essential details of the verification process together.

What exactly is the Instagram Blue Checkmark?

The Instagram blue checkmark is a marker next to a user’s name that shows Instagram has validated the account as the genuine presence of a major public figure, celebrity, or business. The blue checkmark is intended to assist users in differentiating between authentic and phony accounts, and it also serves as a mechanism for Instagram to validate the account owner’s identity.

People on Instagram want the blue checkmark because it shows that the account is real and trustworthy and draws more attention to it on the network. But it’s important to know that Instagram verification doesn’t mean they like you or that you’ll get more followers or comments.

What are the advantages of the Instagram Blue Checkmark?

The Instagram Blue Checkmark provides users with various advantages, including:

Increased Credibility: The blue checkmark emblem signifies that the account has been verified by Instagram as the legitimate presence of a major public figure, celebrity, or company, which may help boost the account’s reputation and trustworthiness.

Increased Visibility: Having a verified account might help you gain exposure on Instagram, since verified profiles may appear in search results and on the explore tab.

Protection Against Impersonation: Users may readily differentiate between authentic and false accounts by searching for the blue checkmark, which helps prevent impersonation or phony accounts.

Access to Special Features: Some Instagram features, such as the ability to post links to Instagram stories and access to extra metrics, are only accessible to verified accounts.

Potential for Brand Partnerships: Because verified accounts are viewed as more trustworthy and reliable, they may have more options for brand partnerships, collaborations, and sponsorships.

It’s important to remember that getting your account verified doesn’t mean you’ll get more followers or engagement. The benefits of getting your account verified depend on the type of account and what the user wants to get out of the platform.

What are the Requirements to Get the Instagram Verification Badge?

You must complete the following conditions to get the Instagram verification badge, often known as the blue checkmark:

Authenticity: You must represent a legitimate person, brand, or business, and your account must be verified.

Uniqueness: Your account must be a one-of-a-kind representation of the person or entity it represents. Instagram only allows one account per person or organization to be verified, except for language-specific accounts.

Completeness: Your account must have a profile photo, a bio, and at least one post.

Public: Set your account to “public” and not “private.”

Notable: You must represent a well-known public figure, celebrity, or company with a sizable fan base and presence on other media channels. This may be proved by having newspaper stories or other media references to your name or brand.

Verification Request: You must submit a verification request via your Instagram account, which involves submitting your complete name or the name of your business, a government-issued picture ID, and any other information requested by Instagram.

Even if you meet all these requirements, Instagram will still evaluate each application individually. Send a thorough verification request that emphasizes your validity, originality, completeness, public nature, and notability.

How to get verified on Instagram | step-by-step guide

The process of being Instagram-verified is outlined in detail below.

1: Go to your Instagram profile and access the menu by tapping the three lines in the upper right corner.

2: Go to Settings and then Account.

3: Scroll to the bottom and press Request Verification.

4: Provide a government-issued photo ID, corporate paperwork, and your full name or brand.

5: Give Instagram links to newspapers or social media profiles to verify your identity.

6: To submit your verification request, click the Send button.

7: Allow Instagram to evaluate your application. Instagram will approve or deny your verification request after weeks or months.

If Instagram refuses your verification request, you can resubmit it within 30 days. To increase your visibility and chances of verification, you might focus on your Instagram profile and presence.

Avoiding Instagram Verification Mistakes

To help you become Instagram verified, I have compiled a list of the most frequent mistakes people make.

  • Incomplete or incorrect information in your application
  • Failure to exhibit significance through your profile and social media presence
  • Fake or purchased followers, likes, or engagement
  • Having a bad profile photo or bio
  • Inadequate profile completion or active interaction with followers
  • Violating the terms of service or community rules on Instagram
  • Excessive application after rejection (you should wait at least 30 days before reapplying)
  • Falsifying your application’s documents or information

Avoiding these mistakes and following the qualifications and best practices may increase your chances of getting the Instagram verification badge.

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Finally, Instagram verification may increase your reputation, visibility, and credibility as a public person, celebrity, or corporation. Following the qualifying requirements, submitting a proper verification request, and avoiding mistakes will help you get the blue checkmark.

Verification is time-consuming and tough, but it may lead to more engagement, recognition, and opportunities on Instagram and elsewhere. If you want to boost your Instagram profile, apply for verification.


How much does IG verification cost?

Verifying Instagram is free. If someone offers to verify your Instagram account for the money, they’re scamming you.

Without fame, how can you receive a blue check on Instagram?

To get a blue check, you must show that your Instagram account may be impersonating a notable person or organization.

Does Instagram need a certain number of followers before you can get verified?

To be verified, you must demonstrate notability, which includes having followers. We suggest expanding your Instagram following before applying, since Instagram may evaluate it.

What if my verification request fails?

If Instagram rejects your verification request, consider their remarks and enhance your profile and social media presence. After 30 days, you may reapply for verification, but fix any flaws that caused your denial.

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